Photo Gallery
Please enjoy these photos of Kenburn Orchards. Photographs are copyright by Kenburn Orchards and may be used with written permission of the owners.
- Baby tree swallow peeks out looking for breakfast
- Spring buds adorn a Fraser fir tree
- A red-tailed hawk guards the farm
- Christmas time!
- Hairy woodpecker enjoys a bite of suet
- Tree swallow mother returns with a snack
- Neatly trimmed and mulched blueberry rows ready for customers
- Tiger swallowtail tastes the sweet nectar of iris
- Daffodils march down the drive
- Snowdrops appear in spring snow
- Welcome to Kenburn Orchards
- Fall walk to the pond
- Lone butternut stands silently
- Early color promises a bountiful crop
- Peaches ripen in the autumn sun
- Great blue heron overseees the barn
- Trees silently wait their turn later this year
- Sun rises on snowy landscape